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Road Research

NRRA Preventive Maintenance Team

Orange barrels on a highway

MnROAD | NRRA | Structure & Teams | Preventive Maintenance Team

Thinlays as a Preventive Maintenance Treatment

Status: Under contract
MnDOT Contract Number: 1048487


The objective of this project is to conduct a review on UBAWS/UTBWC, thinlays, and other thinlay products applied by DOTs to document and evaluate their usefulness. The scope of the project includes the following tasks:

  1. Collect and document UBAWS/UTBWC, thinlays, and other thinlay products specifications from the NRRA agency members for comparisons.
  2. Obtain mix designs of the various preventive maintenance thin hot mix asphalt (HMA) treatments to gather a better understanding of the gradations and binders used.
  3. Identify several UBAWS/UTBWC, thinlays, and other thinlay projects within the NRRA member agencies for evaluation of performance and annualized life cycle cost. Literature review will be conducted based on the information provided.
  4. Gather pavement performance and any sensor data provided on the identified projects, which performance measures include:
    1. International Roughness Index (IRI)
    2. Cracking
    3. Friction
    4. Rutting
    5. Surface texture/snow ice issues

The final report will include the performance measures and annualized life cycle costs. Conclusions and recommendations will incorporate current practices guidance on the applications of UBAWS/UTBWC, thinlays, and other thinlay products.


Task 1: NRRA Agency Review

Conduct a survey to collect information from NRRA agency members on current practices, specifications, and design guidance related to thinlays and UBAWS/UTBWC.

  • Scheduled Date for Task Final Approval: March 31, 2022
  • Deliverable: Summary report and presentation to Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) members.

Task 2: Performance Documentation

Obtain and document performance data such as IRI, friction, rutting from NRRA member states, including data from 70th street thinlay project.

  • Scheduled Date for Task Final Approval: July 31, 2022
  • Deliverable: Summary report and presentation to TAP members.

Task 3: Summary of NRRA Agency Performance

Summarize and evaluate information on project performance.

  • Scheduled Date for Task Final Approval: February 28, 2023
  • Deliverable: Summary report and presentation to the TAP members.

Task 4: Recommendations for Implementation and Future Research Work

Provide recommendations for implementation, current practices, design guidance, and future research work.

  • Scheduled Date for Final Report Approval: February 28, 2023
  • Deliverable: Summary report and presentation to the TAP members.

Task 5: Recommendations for MnROAD Test Sections

Provide recommendations on quantifiable information for the existing test sections.

  • Scheduled Date for Final Task Approval: May 30, 2023
  • Deliverables: Summary report and presentation to the TAP members.

Task 6: Draft Final Report

Prepare a draft final report, following the State’s publication guidelines, to document project activities, findings, and recommendations. This report will be reviewed by TAP, updated by the Contractor to incorporate technical comments, and then approved by the Technical Liaison (TL) before this task is considered complete.

  • Scheduled Date for Task Final Approval: December 31, 2023
  • Deliverable: A draft report for TAP review, and a revised report that is technically complete and approved by the TL for publication.

Task 7: Editorial Review and Publication of Final Report

Work directly with State’s contract editors to address editorial comments and finalize the document in a timely manner. The contract editors will publish the report and ensure it meets publication standards

  • Scheduled Date for Task Final Approval: December 31, 2023
  • Deliverable: Final Publishable Report that meets State’s editorial guidelines and standards.

Project team

Email the Project Team
Principal Investigator: Andrea Blanchette, PE, Terracon,
Technical Liaison: Ashley Buss, Iowa DOT,
Project Technical Advisory Panel (TAP): Contact us to join this TAP

  • Başak Bektaş, MSU-Mankato
  • Brandon Brever, MAPA
  • Ashley Buss, Iowa DOT (TL)
  • Jeffrey Kroner, Missouri DOT
  • Alex Middleton, Mississippi DOT
  • Joseph Podolsky, Minnesota DOT
  • John Senger, Illinois DOT
  • Joel Ulring, Minnesota DOT
  • Tom Wilson, Illinois Tollway

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