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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Road Research

Research Topics

Orange barrels on a highway

Development of Design Guide for Thin and Ultrathin Concrete Overlays of Existing Asphalt Pavements (Whitetopping)

The one area of deficiency in the application of thin (TCOAP) and Ultrathin (UTCOAP) concrete overlays of existing asphalt pavement (TWT and UTW whitetoppings) is the lack of a unified national design guide. While several local and industry design guides have been formulated, few are based on mechanistic-empirical research born out of actual field performance. To address this issue, many research studies on the accelerated and field performance of TCOAP and UTCOAP are either in progress, or have been recently completed. The Minnesota Road Research (MnROAD) Project has contributed significantly to the understanding of the field performance of TCOAP and UTCOAP. The results from MnROAD and other accelerated loading facilities (ex. FHWA) can now be utilized to develop a unified comprehensive mechanistic-empirical based design method for thin and ultra-thin concrete overlays of existing asphalt pavement.


Reports & Publications

2005, Final Report


Pooled Fund Website