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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Performance Measure Dashboard


ADA Compliance

About the measures

Curb ramps, sidewalks, and accessible pedestrian signals curb ADA compliance is tracked in the Olmstead Report. ADA compliance is important because it helps to ensure the pedestrian transportation network is accessible to all users.

Where we want to go

Established in the 2017 Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan, MnDOT’s goal is for 100% of sidewalk-miles, curbs, signals, and driveways along state highways to be substantially compliant with American with Disability Act (ADA) standards by 2037. MnDOT's Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan details how the department ensures that its facilities, services, programs, and activities are accessible to all individuals. As part of this regularly updated plan, MnDOT adopted the national Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PDF) as a basis for updates to facility design standards and policies. MnDOT also dedicated additional staff to evaluate the accessibility of construction projects, respond to complaints, and manage an ADA investment program. In 2021, MnDOT adopted its first Statewide Pedestrian System Plan. This plan directs MnDOT's efforts to increase the safety and mobility of people walking along the state highway network.