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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Performance Measure Dashboard


Transit On-time Performance

About the measure

On-time performance measures the percent of trips which are within a given threshold of scheduled time. Metro Transit’s and MnDOT’s on-time performance target is for 90% of trips to be within one minute early to four minutes late of scheduled times. MnDOT’s on-time performance target for Greater Minnesota’s transit systems is for 90% of trips to be within 45 minutes of scheduled times.

Where we want to go

Through its public transit providers, MnDOT is committed to providing multimodal transportation options. Access to safe and timely transit is a key piece of the multimodal transportation network. Changes in travel patterns continue to affect transit ridership – peak travel times moved from typical commute patterns to 3 p.m., ridership is lower Monday through Friday, and ridership is less predictable. A major issue impacting metro transit ridership in 2021 and 2022 was a shortage of transit operators. Metro Transit addressed this by increasing starting wages, offering paid training to applicants, and inviting externally trained applicants for the first time. The aim is to increase services provided as staffing shortages decrease.

Greater Minnesota's 47 public transit systems are operated by local governments, joint powers organizations, non-profits, and tribal governments. MnDOT supports these systems through planning, research, technical assistance, and management of state and federal transit funding. MnDOT's first priority is the continuation of financial assistance to systems meeting performance standards identified in the Greater Minnesota transit plans. Secondary priorities include expanding transit service to new areas and improving frequency, coverage, and daily duration of service currently provided.

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