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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Performance Measure Dashboard


Non-Motorized Fatalities and Serious Injuries

About the measures

Safety on the roadways is MnDOT’s priority. Measuring non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries helps MnDOT plan for safer roadway conditions. This measure tracks the number of pedestrians or bicyclist fatalities or serious injuries from crashes with motor vehicles. Serious injuries are classified by first responders at the scene of the crash.

Where we want to go

MnDOT aims to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries for all people using Minnesota roadways through several strategies. The Minnesota Strategic Highway Safety Plan sets overall direction for future safety strategies and presents a framework for selecting strategies. Through the State Aid programs, MnDOT partners with local government units (e.g., cities and counties) to fund and develop road safety initiatives and plans. For roadway design, MnDOT incorporates a Safe System Approach that builds multiple layers of protection to prevent crashes from happening and reduce harm to people involved in crashes when they occur. Additionally, MnDOT provides traffic engineering training courses to county, city, and private professionals on a variety of road safety topics.