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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Performance Measure Dashboard

See how we're performing

Example of a performance dashboard

MnDOT’s performance measure dashboard organizes the data visualizations under eight performance topics. Use the navigation menu to select specific performance measures. The performance visuals were created with Microsoft PowerBI. For accessibility information and guidance, visit Consume Power BI reports using accessibility features.

To describe how the transportation system is performing, MnDOT uses performance measures from MnDOT’s Family of Plans (i.e., the modal and system investment plans). The Family of Plans are based on the policy direction, priorities, and framework set by the 20-year Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan (SMTP). The SMTP and the 16 legislative goals for transportation support the Minnesota GO Vision and addresses the challenges facing Minnesota's transportation system and everyone who depends on it.

Our dashboards


Based on Minnesota Statutes 174.03, Subd. 12, the report includes Minnesota transportation system performance measures, annual targets, and MnDOT’s progress toward achieving the state transportation goals (described in Minnesota Statutes 174.01).

Additional information

We have a performance management system that spans our major products, services, and priorities. We use clear policies, performance trend data, and performance forecasts to guide investments and operational decisions. Our performance measurement:

  • Addresses stakeholders’ desire for accountability and transparency
  • Provides more informed decision-making
  • Enhances customer-responsiveness
  • Ensures compliance with legislative mandates
  • Improves internal management
  • Facilitates refinement of programs and services
  • Sets benchmarks for comparison of results

Our 20-year Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan (SMTP) aims to achieve a transportation system that maximizes the health of people, the environment and the state's economy. It evaluates the status of the entire transportation system, considers what is changing, and provides goals and direction for progress over the next 20 years. The Plan focuses on six objectives: Transportation Safety, System Stewardship, Climate Action, Critical Connections, Healthy Equitable Communities, and Open Decision Making. It includes performance measures, strategies, and actions for MnDOT and its transportation partners for each objective.