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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Performance Measure Dashboard


Bicycle and Pedestrian Perception of Safety

About the measures

Respondents to MnDOT’s public opinion survey are asked to rate perceptions of safety for bicycling and walking using a four-point scale. A score of 1 corresponds to a perception that bicycling and walking is not at all safe and a score of 4 corresponds to a perception that bicycling and walking is very safe. MnDOT tracks the percentage of respondents who perceive their environment as safe by totaling those who respond with 3 or 4. The survey is typically done every two years. In 2020, MnDOT completed a survey to assess the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on transportation in Minnesota. This survey contained targeted questions and those results have been included in this analysis.

Where we want to go

MnDOT works with federal, state, and local partners towards the Minnesota GO Vision to provide a "multimodal transportation system [that] maximizes the health of people, the environment, and our economy." Improving access to safely, conveniently, and easily walk and roll is critical in addressing all three of those topics. Through public engagement MnDOT listens to walking and bicycling needs in all parts of Minnesota to inform plan priorities (Statewide Bicycle System Plan and Statewide Pedestrian System Plan), policies (Complete Streets), design (Bicycle Design Manual and Facility Design Guide), and research (Rural Pedestrian Research and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Counting Initiative). These documents and related non-motorized traffic data assist MnDOT in developing facilities that are preferred, safe and convenient. This leads to improved prioritization to make bicycling and walking easier and more comfortable travel options.