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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Performance Measure Dashboard


Rest Area Condition

About the measures

Rest areas support the economy by facilitating tourism. Rest areas also promote the safety of the system by providing safe stops, supplying information to travelers, and reducing driver fatigue. MnDOT’s rest area building assessments includes detailed components such as walls, doors, HVAC systems, and pavement. MnDOT uses a scoring criteria matrix and customer feedback to help identify specific areas in need of the most improvement and target project investments accordingly. Rest area facilities conditions are assessed on a three-year cycle in which about one-third of buildings are assessed each year. MnDOT is currently in the third year of a three-year cycle and is assessing 15 rest area facilities.

Where we want to go

MnDOT's goal is to have less than 4% of rest area buildings in poor condition.

Learn more