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MnROAD Test Cells

Orange barrels on a highway

Test Sections

MnROAD contains a wide variety of different test sections built since the 1990s, both at the MnROAD facility other areas in Minnesota. Typical test sections are 500 feet long and are built with traditional construction equipment and practices. Loading is accomplished with live and controlled traffic on the mainline (ML) and controlled loadings using a 5-axle semi on the low volume road (LVR). Test sections remain in service either until the research is complete or until pavement failure. New research test sections are then built in their place.Aerial shot of MnROAD

MnROAD Cell Maps and Images

  • MnROAD Mainline - Interstate 94 is a 3.5-mile long roadway that receives high-volume traffic diverted from I-94 original westbound.
  • MnROAD Original - Interstate 94 is the original I-94 westbound alignment, which receives traffic when the MnROAD Mainline is closed for evaluation or maintenance. This Interstate highway consists of a concrete pavement built in 1973.
  • MnROAD Low Volume Road is a closed 2.5-mile long loop that is loaded by a dedicated truck with a Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) of 80,000 lbs. Since 2007, only the inside lane has been loaded.
  • US-169 and CSAH 8 are two road segments near Pease, Minn., used as test sections to investigate different preventive maintenance materials. CSAH-8 is a county road with low traffic, and US-169 is a state highway with much higher traffic. Research is conducted in partnership with National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT).
  • TH-13, TH 27, and TH 60 were concrete pavement test sections on Minnesota state roads (trunk highways) that were investigated with regards to the effect of coefficient of thermal expansion of their large aggregates in the concrete mix on their behavior and long-term performance.
  • MnROAD Stockpile Area contained the “Farm Loop” to investigate the effect of farm equipment on simulated low volume pavements.
  • MnROAD parking lot and side walks are pervious concrete test sections.
  • MO TH-55 Low Volume Road is a Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) pavement with surface texture. This test section is located on a frontage road adjacent to the northbound lanes of Interstate 55, just south of Scott City, Missouri.
  • All MnROAD Test Sections-Google Earth View (kmz file)

MnROAD Cell Description Assistance

MnROAD Data Packets

Original Test Cell Numbering

Test cells sometimes used the same number when built in the same location but now are designated by the construction year built along with the cell number. MnROAD also has designated a three-digit number with the last two digits featuring the former test cells number. For example, the original test cell 5 was reconstructed using an experimental design that divided the former cell into 4 new cells named cell 105, 205, 305, and 405 retaining the original number and physical placement as well as creating a new cell name designation.

Construction 1990-2006

Phase II Test Cell Numbering (2007-Present)

Reconstruction of several cells during the 2007 construction season began transitioning MnROAD into Phase II research. Test cells in Phase II reuse former numbers if the new experimental design constructed maintains the original test cells physical parameters. Otherwise, the cells will be designated a three digit number with the last two digits featuring the former test cells number. For example, the original test cell 5 was reconstructed using an experimental design that divided the former cell into 4 new cells named cell 105, 205, 305, and 405 retaining the original number and physical placement as well as creating a new cell name designation.

MnROAD Construction Events

MnROAD has many construction events over the past 30 years replacing test sections that have failed or have no further research need. Four major events have taken place and many other smaller construction activities have been accomplished.

Construction 2007-2013

Original test cells were sequentially numbered 1 through 46, with more cell additions added between 1997 and 2006. New cell additions during Phase I were either designated with a recycled previous number or assigned an available number below 99. Reconstruction of several cells during the 2007 construction season began transitioning MnROAD into Phase II research. Test cells in Phase II reuse former numbers if the new experimental design constructed maintains the original test cells physical parameters. Otherwise, the cells will be designated a three digit number with the last two digits featuring the former test cells number. For example, the original test cell 5 was reconstructed using an experimental design that divided the former cell into 4 new cells named cell 105, 205, 305, and 405 retaining the original number and physical placement as well as creating a new cell name designation.

Phase III NRRA Construction 2017

Construction 2017