Construction Projects Completed in 2024 - Roadwork - MnDOT

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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Minnesota state highway projects

Construction projects, plans, and studies

Projects completed in 2024

Browse by highway number

Hwys 1–9

Hwy 1 — Oslo

Resurface Hwy 1 from Oslo to 2.4 miles east of Oslo.

Hwy 2 — Oak Lake Rest Area

Improve pedestrian accessibility at the Oak Lake Rest Area in Erskine

Hwy 2 — Floodwood resurfacing

Resurface a total of 20 miles west and east of Floodwood

3rd and 4th Street — Minneapolis

Replaced lighting and made repairs to the bridge piers under the 3rd Street to westbound I-94 and eastbound I-94 to 4th Street ramps in Minneapolis.

Hwy 4 — St. James to Sleepy Eye

Resurface 25 miles between St. James and Sleepy Eye; replace bridges; repair culverts

Hwy 4 — Sherburn to St. James

Resurface approximately 25 miles of Hwy 4 between Sherburn and St. James; replace and repair bridges; improve pedestrian accommodations in Sherburn and Trimont

Hwys 10–19

Hwy 10 — Little Falls

Resurface both directions from west of the Mississippi River at Morrison Co. Rd. 52 to east of Little Falls at Co. Rd. 35, includes Hwy 371 at Hwy 10

Hwy 10 — Randall

Improve access and safety on Hwy 10 Randall, which includes two J-turns at Morrison Co. Rd. 14 and Hwy 115.

Hwy 10 and County Road 60 — J-turn

Construct J-turn to improve access and safety at the Highway 10 and County Road 60 intersection in Otter Tail County.

Hwy 10 and Hwy 23 — St. Cloud interchange

Reconstruct and improve the Hwy 10 and Hwy 23 interchange area in east St. Cloud, Benton County, includes the road surface, bridges, drainage structures, pedestrian and motorist access.

Hwy 10 and Rum River Bridge — Anoka

Replaced Hwy 10 bridge over the Rum River, constructed new interchange at Thurston Avenue, built underpass at Fairoak Avenue and extended West Main Street; Removed all Hwy 10 access in project area.

Hwy 11 — East of Baudette

Resurface seven miles of pavement on Hwy 11 between Hwy 72 and the county line.

Hwy 13 — Mendota Heights

Hwy 13 was closed between Wachtler Avenue and Sylvandale Road due to road washout. Crews made repairs and built a retaining wall along Hwy 13.

Hwy 13 — Savage to Burnsville

Reconstructed the Hwy 13 and Dakota Ave. intersection in Savage.

Hwy 14 — Dodge Center to Byron

Resurface Hwy 14 from east of Hwy 56 in Dodge Center to west of County Road 5 / Second Avenue in Byron.

Hwy 14 — Minnesota River Bridge

Repair the Hwy 14 bridge over the Minnesota River in Mankato

Hwy 14 and Highland Ave. — New Ulm

Construct a roundabout at the intersection of Hwy 14 and Highland Ave. in New Ulm

Hwy 15 — Kimball to Dassel

Resurfacing and culvert repair project

Hwy 18 — North Mille Lacs Lake

Resurface and improve 13 miles of Hwy 18 from Hwy 169, east of Garrison, to Hwy 47 in Malmo, Aitkin County.

Hwy 19 — Winthrop

Replacement of the box culvert under Hwy 19, approximately 0.1 miles east of Winthrop, as well as short section of pavement reconstruction.

Hwys 20–29

Hwy 22 and Augusta Dr. — Mankato

Construct a dual-lane roundabout at the intersection of Hwy 22 and Augusta Dr. in Mankato

Hwy 23 — Gaps

Expand Hwy 23 to four lanes from New London to Paynesville (South Gap) and Paynesville to Richmond (North Gap).

Hwy 23 — Gary New Duluth Culvert Replacement

Replacements at US Steel and Gogebic Creek.

Hwy 23 — Gary New Duluth resurfacing

Resurface Hwy 23 from Perch Lake to West Fifth Street.

Hwy 23 — Milaca to Ogilvie

Resurface 12 miles of Hwy 23 from Milaca to east of Ogilvie, includes shoulders and underground drainage structures and updates to access. Project requires detours.

Hwy 23 — Sandstone to Askov

Resurface highway, intersection improvements and culvert work on Hwy 23 between Sandstone and Askov.

Hwy 23 and Hwy 10 — St. Cloud interchange

Reconstruct and improve the Hwy 10 and Hwy 23 interchange area in east St. Cloud, Benton County, includes the road surface, bridges, drainage structures, pedestrian and motorist access.

Hwy 24 — Meeker County

Repair concrete from Litchfield to north of Kingston.

Hwy 25 — Brainerd

Replace the Hwy 25 bridge over the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway line in Brainerd, Crow Wing County, includes multi-use trail. Project requires detour.

Hwy 25 — Buffalo

Reconstruct Hwy 25 from south of First St. S to north of Settlers Pkwy. in Buffalo, Wright County, includes city utilities and pedestrian sidewalks and approaches. City led. Project requires detour.

Hwy 25 — Monticello

Resurface and update the Hwy 25 bridge over the Mississippi River in Monticello, includes drainage and sidewalks. Major impacts. One-lane traffic, each way at bridge.

Hwys 30-39

Hwy 30 — Chatfield to Stewartville resurfacing

Hwy 30 is scheduled to be resurfaced from Chatfield to Stewartville.

Hwy 32 — Middle River to Greenbush

Culvert replacements on Hwy 32 between Greenbush and Middle River.

Hwy 34 — Akeley

Narrowing the road width, culvert replacement, boulevard spacing, sidewalks, lighting and other safety and pedestrian accessibility improvements.

Hwy 34 — Osage to west of Park Rapids

Reconstruct Hwy 34 from west of Osage to west of Park Rapids.

I-35 Faribault resurfacing — Rice County

This project will extend the life of I-35 and create a smoother ride for motorists from near Rice Co. Rd.

I-35 and Hwy 19 roundabout

A six-legged roundabout is scheduled to be constructed in 2024 at the northbound I-35 ramps and Hwy 19 interchange.

I-35W — Bloomington to Burnsville

Landscaping work along I-35W between 106th Street in Bloomington and Black Dog Road in Burnsville.

Hwy 37 and County Hwy 5 — Intersection safety improvements

Alignment changes to side highways at both intersections. New left turn lanes along Highway 37 at both intersections.

Hwys 40-59

Hwy 41 — Chaska

Locally led project to reconstruct Hwy 41 in downtown Chaska and add a pedestrian tunnel beneath the road.

Hwy 41 — Chaska

Installed traffic management system on Hwy 41 from Hwy 169 to the Minnesota River bridge near Chaska.

Hwy 52 — Rosemount to Hampton

Resurfaced Hwy 52 between Co. Rd. 42 in Rosemount and Co. Rd. 86 in Hampton. Work included constructing crossovers, repairing drainage and installing signs.

Hwy 52 — St. Paul to Rochester corridor projects

Four different road construction projects for Hwy 52 between Rochester and St. Paul

Hwy 53 — International Falls

Intersection of Hwy 53 and County Road 332 in Koochiching County

Hwy 53 — Virginia

Mill and overlay

Hwy 55 — Minneapolis to Inver Grove Heights

Restored the pavement and redecked or repaired bridges on Hwy 55 between Bloomington Road in Minneapolis and Hwy 52 in Inver Grove Heights, as well as replaced the bridge railing and lighting on the Mendota Bridge.

Hwy 55 — Rosemount

Hwy 55 was closed between County Road 42 and Hwy 52 at the railroad tracks near Doyle Path while crews were making repairs to the railroad crossing intersection.

Hwy 56 — LeRoy

Reconstruction of roadway, base, pedestrian facilities, drainage and city utilities.

Hwy 56 resurfacing

Hwy 56 is scheduled to be resurfaced from Southview St. to Dodge Co. Rd. 24 in West Concord.

Hwy 57 — Mantorville

Full trunk highway reconstruction.

Hwy 58 and County Road 9 — Goodhue

Construction of a roundabout at Hwy 58 and Goodhue Co. Rd. 9

Hwy 59 — South of Marshall

Concrete repair south of Marshall

Hwys 60-79

Hwy 61 — Duluth expressway

Superior Street to McQuade Road

Hwy 61 — Intersection improvements

Safety improvements at five intersections along Hwy 61 up the North Shore

Hwy 61 — Pigeon River Bridge

Bridge re-deck includes bridge surfacing, railing, guardrail, lighting and approach grading.

Hwy 61 — Red Wing bridge replacement

Replacement of Hwy 61 bridge over CP Rail in Red Wing, construction of new left and right turn lanes at Golf Links Drive intersection and at private accesses

Hwy 61 — Silver Creek and Stewart River bridges

Replace Silver Creek Bridge, rehabilitate existing Stewart River Bridge and add new bridge inland.

Hwy 62 — Edina

Constructed a new noise wall on Hwy 62 between Gleason Road and Tracy Avenue in Edina.

Hwy 65 — South of McGregor in Aitkin County

Resurface Hwy 65 south of McGregor in Aitkin Count

Hwy 67 — Clarkfield

Reconstruction of Hwy 67 from Hwy 59 to Sixth Street

Hwy 68 — Minneota

Resurface Hwy 68 from Minneota to Marshall. ADA improvements in Marshall.

Hwy 72 — Baudette

The project will replace the pavement and utilities south of the International Bridge, with additional work on side streets by the City of Baudette.

Hwy 73 — St. Louis County bridge and culvert replacement

Replace a culvert half a mile south of Beauty Mountain Road and replace a bridge at County Road 16 in St. Louis County

Hwy 75 — Perley

Grade raise on Hwy 75 north and south of Perley.

Hwy 75 — north of Crookston

Construct a roundabout on Highway 75 at County 21 north of Crookston.

Hwy 89 — Grygla to Red Lake

Resurface and replace culverts on Hwy 89 between Grygla and Red Lake Nation boundary.

Hwys 80-99

I-90/Co. Rd. 35 bridge replacement

The Olmsted Co. Rd. 35 bridge over I-90 is being replaced in 2024 northwest of Stewartville.

I-90 — Alden to Albert Lea westbound resurfacing

Resurfacing of westbound lanes, construction of traffic crossovers and new guardrail installation on eastbound and westbound lanes.

I-90 — Hwy 169 to Hwy 22

Twenty miles of I-90 from two miles west of Hwy 169 at Blue Earth to Hwy 22 south of Wells will be resurfaced. Both eastbound and westbound lanes will be improved, as well as ramps, bridges, culverts, and lighting along the project.

I-94 — Oakdale to Lakeland

Resurfaced I-94 between Hwy 120/Century Ave. and the St. Croix River. Additional work included constructing a new eastbound lane from I-494 to Woodbury Dr., repaired drainage, replaced signage, upgraded lighting, installed median barrier and more improvements along the project area.

I-94 — St. Paul to Woodbury

Metro Transit led construction of a 10 mile bus only route along I-94 between Hwy 52 in St. Paul and Bielenberg Drive in Woodbury.

Hwys 100-199

Hwy 114 — Lowry to Hwy 28

Reconstruction, resurfacing, sewer replacement, sidewalk improvements, trail, bicycle & ADA accessibility upgrades.

Hwy 115 — Randall to Camp Ripley

Resurface and improve Hwy 115 from east of Hwy 10 in Randall to the Mississippi River bridge in Morrison County. Project requires a detour.

Hwy 169 — Belle Plaine to Blakeley Township

Safety improvements on Hwy 169 from Hwy 25 in Belle Plaine to Hwy 19 in Blakeley Township. The project modified certain intersections and installed a cable median barrier to improve the safety of the road.

Hwy 169 and 63rd Avenue — Brooklyn Park to Maple Grove

Replaced the 63rd Avenue bridge over Hwy 169 in Brooklyn Park and Maple Grove, extended acceleration lanes on Hwy 169, constructed a multi-use trail between Mendelssohn Avenue and Magda Drive, signal replacement and accessibility improvements.

Hwy 169 — Chisholm to Mountain Iron resurfacing

Cold in place recycle resurfacing between Hwy 73 and County Road 103 in Mountain Iron

Hwy 169 — Elk River freeway

Convert three miles of Hwy 169 to a new freeway system through Elk River from Hwy 101/Hwy 10 to 197th Ave, Sherburne County. Corridors of Commerce project. Expect delays, one lane traffic in each direction, 24/7, April to November, each year.

Hwy 169 and County Road 3/Excelsior Boulevard — Hopkins

Replaced the signal system at the intersection of Hwy 169 and County Road 3/Excelsior Boulevard in Hopkins and constructed a center median on Excelsior Boulevard.

Hwy 169 — Jordan to Shakopee

Repaved Hwy 169 from Hwy 21 in Jordan to Co. Rd. 15/Marystown Rd. in Shakopee along with constructed new medians and U-turns to eliminate left turns onto Hwy 169.

Hwy 169 — Milaca to Princeton

Resurface both directions of Hwy 169, replace pipes and reconstruct the access at Hwy 169 and Mille Lacs Co. Rd. 8 in Pease (J-turn). Work will require detours.

Hwy 169 — New Hope

Constructed a new noise wall on Hwy 169 between Bass Lake Road and 62nd Avenue North in New Hope.

Hwy 169 — Plymouth to New Hope

Replaced the bridge and reconstructed the interchange at Hwy 169 and County Road 9 (Rockford Road/42nd Avenue) between New Hope and Plymouth and putting in accessible sidewalks for pedestrians and bicyclists.

Hwy 169 — Shakopee

Installed traffic management system on Hwy 169 from Hwy 41 to Canterbury Road in Shakopee.

Hwy 169 — South of Garrison

Resurface and improve Hwy 169 from north of Ojibwe Dr. to just south of Crow Wing Co. Rd. 26; includes new culverts, guardrail upgrades and new left-turn lanes at Co. Rd. 26 Timber Trail and Swing-A-Way/S Port. Project requires a detour.

Hwy 169/210 — Aitkin to north of Hassman

Reconstruct 11 miles of road surface, widen shoulders and upgrade drainage infrastructure. Project requires detours.

Hwys 200-299

Hwy 210 and Hwy 61 — Carlton RCI

Carlton County is constructing a reduced conflict intersection to accommodate the new Carlton County Justice Center.

Hwy 212 and Morningside Dr. — Glencoe

Construct roundabout at the intersection of Hwy 212 and Morningside Dr. in Glencoe

Hwy 220 — East Grand Forks

Reconstruct highway to a concrete road and Culvert replacements along Highway 220 between Polk County Road 19 in East Grand Forks and County Road 22 / 23

Hwy 223 — Leonard

Resurface Hwy 223 between Leonard and Hwy 92.

Hwy 257 — Hanska

Resurface Hwy 257 from Broadway St. in Hanska to Hwy 15

Hwy 282 — Jordan

Replaced a retaining wall with an earthen slope on the north side of Hwy 282 near Mill Street in Jordan and replaced a culvert just west of Naylor Avenue in Sand Creek Township.

Hwy 284 — Waconia

City of Waconia led project to add turn lanes at Hwy 284 and Elm Creek Road.

Hwys 300-694

Metro-wide — St. Paul, White Bear Lake, South St. Paul, Eden Prairie and Cologne

Applied a thin surface treatment on Hwy 5 from Excel Energy Center to St. Clair Ave. in St. Paul. On Hwy 61 from Keller Lake to County Road 65 in White Bear Lake. On Hwy 3/South Robert Street from Mendota Road to Annapolis Street. On Hwy 212 from I-494 to Hwy 62 and on Hwy 284 from Hwy 212 to Hwy 5 in Cologne.

Plymouth Avenue — Minneapolis

Resurfaced the Plymouth Avenue bridge over I-94 in Minneapolis and improved sidewalks, ramps and signals at the nearby intersection of Plymouth Avenue and Third Street.