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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Geographic Information & Mapping

Preparing and maintaining core GIS and CAD data at a planning level scale

computer-aided design map

Civil Township Maps

Depicting civil township boundaries, PLS boundaries, public roads and other major features

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View township maps on state map

Aitkin County

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Anoka County

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Becker County

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Beltrami County

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Benton County

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Big Stone County

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Blue Earth County

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Brown County

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Carlton County

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Carver County

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Cass County

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Chippewa County

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Chisago County

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Clay County

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Clearwater County

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Cook County

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Cottonwood County

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Crow Wing County

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Dakota County

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Dodge County

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Douglas County

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Faribault County

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Fillmore County

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Freeborn County

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Goodhue County

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Grant County

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Hennepin County


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Houston County

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Hubbard County

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Isanti County

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Itasca County

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Jackson County

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Kanabec County

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Kandiyohi County

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Kittson County

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Koochiching County


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Lac qui Parle County

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Lake County

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Le Sueur County

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Lincoln County

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Lyon County

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McLeod County

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Mahnomen County

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Marshall County

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Martin County

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Meeker County

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Mille Lacs County

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Morrison County

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Mower County

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Murray County

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Nicollet County

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Nobles County

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Norman County

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Olmsted County

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Otter Tail County

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Pennington County

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Pine County

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Pipestone County

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Polk County

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Pope County

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Ramsey County

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Red Lake County

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Redwood County

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Renville County

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Rice County

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Rock County

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Roseau County

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St. Louis County

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Scott County

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Sherburne County

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Sibley County

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Stearns County

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Steele County

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Stevens County

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Swift County

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Todd County

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Traverse County

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Wabasha County

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Wadena County

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Waseca County

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Washington County

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Watonwan County

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Wilkin County

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Winona County

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Wright County

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Yellow Medicine County

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